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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  October 23, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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...because we'll work together to restore fiscal responsibility, grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcer ] tim kaine. bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. good morning. welcome to news 4 midday. i'm keith russell. >> i'm barbara harrison. it's tuesday, october 23rd, 2012. >> right now, president obama is cam taning in florida. he wrapped up an appearance in delray beech. he's the candidate they can trust to lead the country. >> you know me. you can trust that i say what i mean. i mean what i say.
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and yes, we have been through tough times. but, you have never seen me quit. there's no quit in america. >> the president heads to ohio later today. he'll campaign in dayton with vice president, joe biden. romney is with his running mate, paul ryan. ryan has been in colorado for the past few days. >> both candidates are hoping last night's third and final debate gives them a boost going forward. the president criticized romney's views calling them outdated. he used his stance on russia as an example. >> a few months ago you were asked what is the biggest threat facing america. you said russia, not al qaeda. you said russia. in the 1980s or now, asking for their foreign policy.
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the cold war has been over for 20 years. >> the president began an apology tour. i think they looked at that and saw weakness. holding signs saying is america with us, the president was silent. they noticed that as well. >> iran is four years closer to having a nuclear weapon because the obama administration hasn't been aggressive enough handling the crisis. >> this morning on the "today" show, paul ryan said romney showed the temperment and demeanor to be a great president. he defended romney that he doesn't have the foreign policy experience to be commander and chief. >> we have had fantastic governors that made great foreign policy presidents. mitt romney did a fantastic job
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of spelling out his foreign policy doctrine. peace through the strength is a doctrine. >> republicans say that president obama lacked foreign policy experience when he ran for office four years ago. vice president biden said he does not agree. >> barack obama, i was chairman of the foreign relations committee. he was on our committee for four years. he demonstrated a grasp and gravity. he had a world view of where america's position should be and how we should interact in the world and how to rebuild allianc alliances. he's acted on those from the time he came in. >> he accused romney of showing no vision of what america's role should be. >> a quick warm up today, we are feeling it. it feels good out there. >> yes we are. tom kierein with the first forecast. >> we had a chilly morning. not as cold as yesterday morning. just in the
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temperatures have really jumped. we have clouds that are beginning to close in from the west. this is what's been happening over the last six hours. the area of moving green over washington, a few sprinkles in montgomery county. rain along the pennsylvania border. it goes past washington. there's cloudiness to the west. it's sunny. southern maryland, northern much of the eastern shore, a gorgeous day. a lot of clouds elsewhere and north and west. temperatures, as a result under the clouds in the 50s in western maryland and along the pennsylvania border where they are getting the sprinkles. right now, 64 around the bay. southern maryland, it's in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. some of that warmer air is going to continue to build as we get into the afternoon. details on that, big changesn the way by the weekend. the latest coming up with the storm team 4 seven day outlook.
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barbara and keith? >> thank you. danella has been keeping an eye on traffic all morning long. >> what does she have to tell us now? >> not as bad as earlier. no accidents in the area. delays as you cross over the american legion bridge because of road work. this is on the outer loop of the beltway. you can see congestion here. as you cross, the left lane is taken away from you. you have to stick to the right to get by the road work there. i-66 is a lot better. eastbound as you make your way past nutley. you are at 59 miles per hour. keith, just an 11 minute drive. back to you. >> all right. today, d.c. councilmembers will discuss a bill that allow cars that drive themselves on the streets. google is developing a fleet of autonomous vehicles.
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they expect self-driving cars to be available to the public within a decade. nevada, california and florida approved similar bills. >> police are stepping up patrols in bethesda after an assault happened. the capital crescent trail near brookway drive. the 21-year-old woman was knocked unconscious and draped into the woods. she woke up with a serious head wound and found her way back to the trail. another jogger helped the woman to call 911. news 4 spoke with the homeowner. >> she wasn't crying. she wanted the paramedics to be here right away. i always said, they are coming, they are coming. >> the victim is in serious but stable condition. police are not releasing any word on who she is or exactly what her condition is at this time. >> new york city police are trying to figure out why a d.c. sniper was mentioned in a note
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left at the scene of a pregnant woman's murder. they found the note under her body. someone stabbed the mother of four to death a day before she was supposed to get married. a note that more pregnant women will be killed if he's not released from prison. they doubt he had anything to do with the murder. they may have used him to distract or confuse police. what companies are doing to compete with apple. gloves, hand sanitizer or g[ male announcer ]zer or if barack obama is re-elected,
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what will the next four years be like? one: the debt will grow from $16 trillion to $20 trillion. two: 20 million americans could lose their employer-based health care. three: taxes on the middle class will go up by $4,000. four: energy prices will continue to go up. and five: $716 billion in medicare cuts that hurt current seniors. five reasons we can't afford four more years of barack obama. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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four more years of barack obama. in virginia, we know education means opportunity. that's why tim kaine expanded pre-k... championed higher ed and job training... helping make virginia "the best state to raise a child." but george allen has not made our kids a priority. as governor, he tried to cut funding for public schools. in washington, allen voted to end tax deductions for college tuition. and now, a budget plan that devastates k-12 classrooms-- all to pay for even more tax breaks for the wealthy. seiu cope is responsible for the content of this ad.
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virginia governor, bob mcdonal is helping george allen pick up votes in a governor campaigning with the republican candidate. it's the first time he's campaigned since june. he tried to win over jewish
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voters yesterday. he visited the jewish center. his opponent will spend time at the jcc tomorrow. apple is doing a bit of downsizing. they are expected to unveil their highly anticipated ipad mini. the smaller version of the ipad is expected to have an eight-inch screen and use the dock connector. the price has not been announced but estimates range from $250,000 to $300. not to be outdone, microsoft releasing their tablet surface this week. we should get an idea of the largest social network today. facebook released the earnings for the quarter. they had a major milestone reaching 1 billion users. after opening at $38 a share, they are trading at half that value, around $19. the stars were out to honor
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ellen degeneres with the country's top comedy prize. he was at the kennedy center to receive the mark twain prize. it's satire and social commentary embodied by twain's work. >> i just do what i do. i don't do it for any other reason. >> she's so important in every level of comedy. she's an incredible person. she's done so much for so many people. >> i admire her on so many levels on her personal life and how she's conducted herself. what she's done and changed the world. she's so funny. >> makes her guests feel warm. i have more fun, i'm probably funnier on her show than anybody's show. >> i'm fat. >> you can watch last night's show on october 30th on pbs. you can see ellen here every day at 3:00 on weekdays. storm team 4 meteorologist is here to talk about our weather
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now. >> why did i have to turn that air-conditions on this morning. >> are you complaining? >> no. >> i was just fine with the temperature this morning. in fact, if we coul keep it like that, it would be great. >> it doesn't last long. we have a big change coming our way. enjoy today and tomorrow while you can. right now, we have clouds on the increase. right now, partly sunny in washington. there's the live view from the nbc 4 hd city camera. 64 at reagan national. humidity is up a little bit. still comfortable. we have a calm wind now. look at the autumn glory we have in southern maryland. this is in st. mary's county. this was sent in of a gorgeous sugar maple tree they planted there 24 years ago. look at it now. beautiful there in maryland in st. mary's county sent to
11:14 am this was sent in by amy. absolutely gorgeous there. a lot of leaves came off that tree. look at this beautiful tree. this is on the cam pause of mary washington in fredericksburg sent in by tanasha whittaker. send yours to we will share. the last 12 hours, a disturbance passing to the north spreading light showers along the pennsylvania border across northern maryland. it's passing north of the metro area. clouds from the system are passing through for another couple hours then more sun by the afternoon. right now, under the clouds, where it's raining, they have had the light rain from out in western maryland from garrett county to washington. the temperatures there are still in the 50s. southern maryland, the areas in yellow, the eastern shore is 70s. right around the metro area were
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in the mid and upper 60s. this is a disturbance that's passing through the midwest. this secondary one is going to be passing to the north as well. ahead of that, we have a southerly flow as we go forward over the next couple days. a few clouds coming and going from the systems to the north. as we get into tomorrow and again on thursday, we'll have clouds coming and going. generally, a southerly flow today and tomorrow. that will warm things up above average. then we get the flow from the east on thursday and friday, cooling it down a little bit. partly sunny, mild, delightful. mid and upper 70s to the south. to the north, not that warm. low 70s by early evening. tonight, sunsets at 6:18. partly cloudy, cool evening dropping from 70 around sunset back to around 60 by midnight. the 50s by dawn tomorrow. wednesday, sunny, milder.
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may make it to 80 degrees during the afternoon. the cooler weather moves in for thursday, friday and saturday. still pleasant, sunny, highs reaching 70 each afternoon. over the weekend, chillier on sunday and monday. highs may only be around 60. we are getting spoiled. it's below average. average high this time of year is 66. stay tuned. up and down we go. >> the highs and the lows. >> thanks, tom. we are going to check on the midday traffic now. >> danella, any changes to report? >> we are looking good in the area. if you are heading out to get lunch, do so. the weather is nice and so are the roadways. nice and clear. outer loop as well, no issues to report. i-270 and i-95, 58 miles per hour, pretty fast. that drive is going to take ten minutes. around the beltway to prince george's county passing route 1, i-95 to route 50, 60 miles per hour, that drive is taking nine
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minutes. back to you both. >> thanks. 16 minutes after 11:00. still ahead on news 4 midday -- the perfect ballet for the halloween season. a look at what audiences can expect. >> why a heart broken family says a popular energy drink is dangerous. >> first, here is a look at what's hot on
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♪ it's been called highbrow horror. the washington ballet's dracula opening tomorrow. artistic director of the
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washington ballet and choreographer join us this morning to talk more about this scary production. this is something different. >> ballet with a bite. >> that's a good one. you always have something new for us at the ballet. >> you have to keep them guessing. we are having a great time with it. >> michael, this is your baby? >> it is. >> tell us about it. is it the traditional dracula story? >> it is. the production is created in 1996 in england which is close to where the story took place. it's had incredible success. because we were true to the book, we stayed true to the book, we wanted the ingrity of the story to come alive. a lot of people said you can't do that in non-verbal theater. i beg to differ. you can come and have an evening of ballet. you can understand every single one of the dialogues going on between the incredibly colorful
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and frightening characters. >> can we see his big teeth? >> no, no, no. one of the things that has been so successful is your imagination. you come to the theater, you sit back. the lights go out. you begin to use your imagination as you journey through. there are no fangs or ladies with large booze ums. >> it is incredibly scary. >> this is a costume? >> this is part of dracula's costume. it's very well considering how old it is. >> it's heavy. how does he move in this? >> slowly. it's a very, very beautiful costume. >> barbara, that color would suit you beautifully. >> do you think i could do the dance? is he jumping around in this? >> this appears in the first act. he's a rather older gentleman. as he feeds off his victims, he
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grows younger and younger and becomes more beautiful and irresistible. everybody falls in love with the bad guy,men, women, doesn't matter what their sexual preference is. he's evil and deadly attractive. >> how does it different from traditional ballet? looking at the set, it doesn't look like the stage. >> it's a theatrical production. the staging, the set is more like a theater show you would see at a wonderful theater, a broadway show, et cetera. michael has done a great job of using character in a nuanced way. the casket is irresistible. the movement is ballet based and theatrical. >> the way we are looking at this, we are seeing video shot from above, which makes it very interesting. you can't see it like that on the stage. >> this is studio rehearsal. so, in fact, the set is more
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elaborate. >> very gothic. it's referred to as upper. this is what we need to support this kind of story. >> it's a grand story. >> for halloween, of course. >> it's perfect for halloween. it's been all around the world. it's been performed on valentines because of the deadly kiss. it's desperately romantic. it's a gothic, romantic love story. >> playing at the eisenhower theater through november 4th. what else is coming to the ballet? >> as soon as dracula closes, we go to nutcracker season. things are proceeding beautifully there. we ran for five weeks in the southeast and the warner theater downtown. i'm really having fun working on a new one hemingway's "the sun always rises." we have a big season ahead. >> we expect you to bring in
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your nutcracker dancers as you usually do. >> michael, congratulations. sounds like quite a show. >> anyone out there who hesit e hesitated about going to the ballet, i address the guys, this is the ballet to cut your teeth on and come and see. >> guys you hear this. this is yours. >> a great evening for the ladies. treat your ladies to a wonderful evening at the theater. >> great to see you. >> great to be here. >> 11:25 is the time now. coming up, you won't find them in new york. soon, it could be hard to find around here. the large, sugary drinks. what city leaders are saying about a possible ban. is it safer for a doctor or nurse to wear gloves or wash their hands between patients? tom kierein is back with a look at the foreca
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ike leggett: gaming generated one hundred and eighty... million dollars for maryland schools. question seven will double it. rushern baker: question seven will add table games and... a new casino, generating millions of dollars... every year, without raising taxes. leggett: and audits will ensure the money goes... where it's supposed to. more jobs, and millions for schools. baker: question seven will be good for our kids... our teachers, and our schools. leggett: keep maryland money in maryland. baker: please vote for question seven. leggett: vote for question seven. we were told to build a 30-foot stage. gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage, not knowing what it was for. just daysater, all three shifts were told to assemble in the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plant is now closed
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and all of you are fired... i looked both ways, i looked at the crowd, and...we all just lost our jobs. we don't have an income. mitt romney made over 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives. turns out that when we built that stage, it was like building my own coffin, and it just made me sick. [ male announcer ] priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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right now, president obama and mitt romney are back on the campaign trail a day after their third and final debate. the president is in florida. he heads to ohio later today to campaign with vice president biden. mitt romney will campaign in colorado and nevada today with
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his running mate, paul ryan. romney will be in northern virginia this sunday. he'll hold a rally at battlefield high school in hay market. >> also right now, a 12-year-old boy is awaiting sentencing for the beating death of his foster sister. tony tull is live in upper marlboro. what can you tell us? >> reporter: keith, good morning. the judge is still hearing from both sides. we expected to hear the ruling earlier. there were so many people that showed up to the public hearing, we had to change courtrooms. right nou, it's being held in another courtroom. she is going to rule once she hears from both sides. the 12-year-old boy will be sentenced. he took a plea of involuntary manslaughter for the beating of the 2-year-old, his foster sister. for the plea, it is actually a plea where the person charged
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does not admit to the criminal act but acknowledges the prosecution can find him guilty of the more serious event, second degree murder. the lawyers cannot call upon any more witnesses or present evidence in the case. as the 2-year-old girl, the autopsy found she had 53 bruises to her body. 14 additional bruises to her head and severe internal injuries. the coroner says it was the equivalent of her being in a high-speed car accident with no restraint. as for what's going on in the courtroom, as i said, we had to move courtrooms. the 12-year-old boy is not showing a lot of emotion. he's had a little talk between him and his lawyers. the judge said she read a report from the department of juvenile services that recommended he be placed in a therapeutic
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facility. right now, both sides going at it. a very tense and tough day in this courtroom here in prince george's county. we'll continue to stay on the case. stay with news 4 for more. tony tull, news 4. >> thanks for the update. it has already made a splash in new york city. now some d.c. councilmembers are tossing around the idea of banning or taxing big gulp drinks here in the district. not everyone is keen on doing away with the big, sugary sodas. megan mcgrath has more. >> reporter: it's a debate we have heard before. should there be restrictions or special taxes on large, sugary drinks? in light of the ban in new york city, there's renewed interest here at home. they are large and packed with calories. new york city supersized sugary
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drinks were banned at restaurants and other venues. >> we have to have a serious discussion about it. it's a full nutrition conversation we need to have. >> i want the excise tax on soda. i think it would have made a difference. >> reporter: she proposed legislation in 2010 to place an excise tax on sugary drinks. if she thought her colleagues would support a tax now, she would consider proposing new legislation. >> we have an obesity epidemic. i'm open to looking at seeing how it's working in new york. if it could make a difference in terms of the obesity epidemic, i'm open to looking at it. >> reporter: sugarry drink rules have their critics on the council and it's unclear if it would pass. on the streets of washington, opinions are also mixed. >> we are a country built on freedom. the government shouldn't tell us
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what to do. >> if people use more sugar, they should have to pay more taxes. sugar is bad for health. it's a good idea. >> before she introduces new measures, mayry chase says she will talk to her colleagues to see if she has the support she needs. in the district, megan mcgrath, news 4. >> the prince george's county council is allowing the council to weigh in before a fast food restaurant, nightclub could open. the bill aims to promote availability of health food and beverages as well as reduce detrimental dining options. they say it's an attack on free enterprise. a maryland family is taking action upon monster claiming the energy drink is to blame for the death of their daughter. she died after a severe reaction from drinking two monster energy drinks.
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the cause of death, caffeine tox toxicity. >> regulated. they regulate ice and band aids. we need to get the word out there so it never happened to anybody else. >> energy drinks are not regulated because they are not considered a food. the fda is investigating the deaths. monther insists they are unaware of deaths linked to their drinks. >> two supporters of maryland's law -- angela mccaskill was suspended from her job for signing a petition to put a law to referendum. a baptist minister will hold rallies starting thursday on the campus to have her reinstated. mccaskill is the university's diversity officer. she signed the petition so maryland voters could decide the issue. right now, three new crew members are on their way to the
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international space station. american kevin ford and two russians blasted off aboard the rocket before 7:00 this morning. the capsule is expected to arrive by thursday. they will join three other crew members on board including one american. the crew members will stay in space until march. tom kierein is taking advantage of this lovely weather out there. getting a little sunshine. >> don't get too comfy, we are coming out. it is gorgeous out. perfect. temperatures are around 70 degrees now. we have whispy blue skies. the air is soft and mild. there's the large view from the city camera overlooking washington. the high clouds drifting over right now. they are coming from a disturbance passing to the north producing sprinkles up in northern maryland near the pennsylvania border. a few clouds coming and going into the afternoon. right now, temperatures are climbing to around 70 around the
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metro area, the bay, the eastern shore. where the clouds are thicker north and west of it, still in the 50s now. for the rest of the day, much of the region will climb into the 70s. it's up to the north. it is cooler in the 60s. tomorrow, up around 80 degrees by mid afternoon. thursday, friday and saturday, a bit cooler, you have an easterly flow, highs reaching upper 60 and 70s. sunday and monday, cooler weather moves in. highs sunday and monday only near 60 degrees. that's the way it looks right now, keith. >> all right, tom. the highs and lows coming at us one way or another. what's coming at us on the roads? danella sealock, that's a question for you. >> traveling i-95 southbound at 235 32, a delay southbound. at 32, that ramp, accident there has shut down the ramp. be aware of that. traveling along 295 in d.c.,
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north to bw parkway and south, clear from the oxen hill area as you continue northbound. over to 395 things look nice here. the 14th street bridge is clear as you commute into the district. northbound 395, no issues there. you are at 56 miles per hour. keith, back to you. >> all right. a new study shows women can wait three to five years between checks of cervical cancer. women 24 to 29 who show no signs of trouble should get tested every three years. if their pap smears show everything is fine. doctors say cervical cancer grows so slowly, regular pap smears can find signs early enough to treat it before anything forms. there are steps health care
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workers can take. doctor sheryl shows us how patients can protect themselves. this is really an issue now, isn't it? >> yes. >> i just had a colonoscopy at a local hospital. before they put me under, they made me sign that everybody in the room washed their hands and i had seen them wash their hands. this is something to attack. >> being a physician and learning surgery and the five minute scrub, that's what we typically do. the average american does not wash their hands for, they say between 40 seconds to 60 seconds. >> you'll tell us how long to do it and how to tell. >> yes. >> let's look at a slide you brought with you of an unwashed hand. see if we have that with us. tell us what we are looking at. >> a dirty hand. after 24 hours of incubation, this is the growth you see. >> what is it?
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>> bacterial colonies. i reproduced this in my office, put on gloves and touched doorknobs and brought my cultures in after 24 hours. you can see that with a gloved hand, even though you think the person is sterile, if they are touching things, it can transmit bacteria. >> look at that. >> this is just in 24 hours. i had gloves on, just touching doorknobs. this is actually an auger plate where i had washed hands and hand sanitizer. so, the next slide that you saw was someone washing their hands for only 20 seconds. again, you are going to see bacterial colonies. we know that just washing with soap and water for a minimal amount of time still does not get the bacteria off your hands. >> does that mean if you go to a doctor, someone comes to see
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you, should we ask you to wear gloves if you are going to look at our face or any part of our body? >> if you wear gloves and touch something else, it's just the same as not having a glove on. people just don't realize that when you are in the room with a patient and you have gloves on, you shouldn't be touching other things or going in and out of the exam room touching doorknobs and things. you might as well not have the gloves on. you have more bacteria on your hands that is good that kills the bad. there's no good bacteria on the surface of gloves. >> we are learning washing our hands not just for doctors, but for all of us. how do we know if we washed them enough? >> you want to use soap and water. avoid cold water. you want lukewarm to hot water. there's increased
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decontamination when you use an alcohol sanitizer with it. there's drawbacks with using something at least 60% of alcohol in it. it can irritate and dry your hands. this is a slide of actually using a hand sanitizer and hand washing. as you can see, there are no colonies after 24 hrs on that incubated auger plate. so, we do know that it's helpful. also, we have different cleansers that have what's classified as a pesticide in antibacterial cleansers and soaps. >> do you suggest you wash with the antibacterial? >> cleanser. >> then use the hand sanitizers. at least 40 seconds. if you said this pledge of allegiance or happy birthday, that's only 10 seconds. >> you have to sing it four
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times. >> old mcdonald had a farm and at least three animals. >> that's a long time to wash your hands. then we are looking out for the next person to touch the door notary public. >> you have probably been in a bathroom where people run their hands under the water and leave. it's a few seconds. >> good advice, especially this season as we have colds and flus. >> thank you for reminding us to take care of those hands. >> thanks a lot. >> it's 11:42. we are going to introduce you to a high school dance group preparing for a local competition, plus, what areas
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take away his toys and he'll play with a stick. take away their bikes and they'll still find a way to get where they're going.
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but if take you away early childhood education... slash k-12 funding... and cut college aid for middle class families ... they won't go far. yet that's exactly what mitt romney wants to do... pay for a $250,000 tax break for multi-millionaires. if mitt romney wins, the middle class loses. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. we have good news this morning for homeowners in the area. your house is worth more now than a year ago. newly released numbers from zillow says home values in the
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d.c. area rose 2.7% from last year. it's the largest gain since june of 2006. the district actually saw the biggest gains with values rising more than 9% since 2011. zillow expects home values to rise another percent. stocks took a nose dive this morning. let's check in with cnbc. we have more on that and the day's business headlines. what's up? >> housing values are better in your portfolios today. weak outlooks from two major dow components sent us into negative territories. the dow is down 256 points. nasdaq down 35. s&p down 24. 3m and dumont slashed their earnings report. it's the latest in the string of low income earnings reports.
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$1.1 billion in the third quarter. revenue falling down to $7.5 billion, that translates to $1.65 per share and was well below analyst expectations. dupont taking a bigger nose dive down 9% in early trading. they are cutting jobs. third quarter revenue down. demand for paint and solar products are dropping around the world. quarterly is lower than expected. apple will unveil the mini-ipad with an eight-inch screen. screen resolution and price are the big x factors. analysts are holding off on the revenue estimates but apple is making a decision to compete in the fast-growing market for smaller tablet devices. we get facebook earnings after markets closed. it's the second since the social
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media giant became a company. beyond the numbers, with more evidence, facebook knows how to make money from mobile advertising. back to you. >> thanks. have a great day. >> as always. >> keith? >> a latin dance club getting praise. they are getting ready for a big competition. some of the dancers are joining us. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> let's go down the list fast. maria, right? al fray da. gloria. jorge and mir randa. that's the introduction of the starting five. tell us about this group. >> this is a group that actually started because of a foundation called the asdf. what they wanted to do was provide an avenue for students
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to have an afterschool dance group to learn about latin dancing and provide instruction. the students are able to take what they learn and create their own creative dances and compete with them in a competition. >> so, what have you taken away from this group in. >> just the sense of support, not only in the team, but also outside with academics. it allows you to free yourself and express yourself after school but stay guided in school as you work toward the end to go practice. >> you are going up against seven other teams november 5. gloria, are you ready? >> i'm ready. we all are. >> so much for jorge, you're ready. >> we all are. >> i'm ready. >> maria? >> i'm excited. let's get ready to see what you have to show to the folks come next month.
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let's start with maria and alfredo. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> the day before election day you throw down. i know who i'm voting for. i eem voting for all of you. good luck. thank you for stopping by. you brought us into a good mood. >> awesome. >> 11:51 here. coming up -- what's that all about.
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teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware. and this is maryland. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law. so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine.
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there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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if you ever dreamed of controlling things with your mind, that dream is about to become reality. this is the muse. it's a head band that's a kind of heart monitor for your brain. it records emotions, mood, levels of concentration. it could be linked to apps that can control your mind. everything from games to controlling the electronics in your living room and match making. they hope to release it next year with a price tag of about
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$200. a dad is resting a little easier this morning after being forced to help his wife deliver their baby on the side of the beltway. she was scheduled to be endeuced yesterday. the baby had other plans. sunday, she started having contractions so they jumped in the car to get to the hospital. they got stuck in traffic on the beltway forcing dad to call 911. with the right instructions, the baby was born a healthy 7 pounds, 6 ounces. the big brother helped with delivery. >> he's crying. i think he's breathing. >> gently wife off his nose. tie the shoelace around the umbilical cord. >> i was tugging on my shoe string. >> they are doing well and trying to figure out what name to give it, shotgun, 95 or shoe string. i'm going to go with blessing.
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a blessing when ever a baby comes into the world. this family will bond for life now. we are going to take a look at the stories we are following on news 4 this afternoon. pat lawson muse joins us with a preview of things to come. hi, pat. >> coming up, starting at 4:00, the nerds might not have their revenge after all. there's a study that finds popular kids make more money later in life. we'll have that. also, we are waiting for apple's big announcement about something small. we'll have the first word about the ipad mini. what's new, how much it's going to cost and how it might change the marketplace. coming up, how friends are fighting a battle against cancer one step at a time. see you on news 4 starting at 4:00. >> thanks a lot. time for the final check on the forecast. >> beautiful day. absolutely dreamy out now. we are around 70 degrees. what's been happening over the last six hours is a passing disturbance to the north.
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it's been bringing a few sprinkles along the pennsylvania border. otherwise, clouds drifting into the afternoon. temperatures 70 at the reagan national. it reached mid-70s in southern maryland. upper 70s in an hour or two. farther north, it's in the upper 50s to near 60. it's going to be cooler there. tomorrow, milder. up around 80. a touch of summer in the air tomorrow afternoon. it's not going to last long, maybe an hour or two. getting chillier on thursday and friday. afternoon highs around 70. here is a look at friday, saturday, sunday into the weekend. it's going to be a pleasant saturday and sunday. a slight chance of a shower. cooler sunday and monday. highs around 60 both of those days. >> thank you, tom. >> halloween isn't just for people anymore. more and more people are picking out costumes for their pets. this morning, we have one to show you that's going viral.
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this is from a halloween parade in new york city. >> he probably didn't know why people -- were laughing. >> well, he already passed by them when they saw the part that was so funny. >> that's a dog with two faces. >> the tail wagging the dog. >> that dog is two-faced. thanks for watching news 4 midday. be sure to tune in at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. >> we'll be back at 11:00 a.m. i hope you join us. president obama: i'm barack obama and i approve... this message. anncr: victims. dependent.
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that's what mitt romney called forty-seven percent... of americans. including people on medicare. but what about his plan for you? romney would replace guaranteed benefits with a voucher system. seniors could pay six thousand dollars more a year. a plan aarp says would undermine medicare. you're no earned your benefits. don't let mitt romney take them away.


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